Personal Months


The Personal Month describes the approach to events for a given month likely to produce growth and development. The Personal Month should be visualized as a modifier of the Personal Year. You will be able to find the best posture at that time of the year to take advantage of the events and opportunities presented, as well as to avoid or alleviate the confusions and difficulties of the encountered experiences. The Personal Month is a very important cycle.

Every month, your Personal Month number changes.

The energy represented by your Personal Month number influences the types of events and circumstances you are likely to experience and what will be attracted to you during the month.

It is important to know what the influences are to plan a better month.

The more you know, the better you can predict what you are likely to experience.

The analysis contains information about each month and the compatibility to your Life Path number.

I will email a PDF file of the results of the calculation.
