Karmic Debt and Karmic Lessons


If you’ve noticed a pattern of struggles throughout your life, you might have Karmic Debt. It could be financial problems, poor relationships, or lacking a zest for life. If you are suffering from repeating cycles, there might be unresolved issues from past lifetimes. Karmic Debt is a pile-up of negative energy resulting from bad behaviors you exhibited in past lives. This means you potentially hurt someone or something, or you committed an act that seriously affected other people in your previous life. When you passed on, this negative energy or karma, attached itself to you. You carried this debt during reincarnation. Every time you return to this earth, you bring all of the negative karma from your past lives with you. Figuring out your Karmic Debt and its numbers can help you interpret those Karmic Lessons.

Karmic Lessons identify situations that we have not dealt with in the best way in past lifetimes. They point to weaknesses that need to be dealt with and be improved in this lifetime. Karmic Lessons are found by looking at the missing letters in your FULL BIRTH NAME. Just as the letters in your name represent a part of you that is there, the letters missing from your name represent that which is not. By looking at the missing numbers we can gain an understanding and insight into what you can do to help you overcome some of the potential drawbacks of the missing attributes these numbers represent.

It is important to note that if the same number as your Karmic Lesson Number is elsewhere in your Numerology Chart, the influence of the Karmic Lesson Number is reduced, and even more so if one of these numbers is a Core Number.

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