About A Phoenix Healing

My goal is to always create a safe, trusting and loving space, and to make the life I connect with to feel better after a session than when we first started. Healing modality services I currently offer are Golden Light Ascension Energy (GLAE), Star Magic, Numerology Readings, Astrology services, Akashic Records Readings, Angel Communication Readings, Psychic Medium Spiritual Readings, Spiritual Coaching, Angel Card Readings, and Oracle Card And Tarot Card Readings.

Every service I offer is a service I was guided to have for myself for my own healing and growth, and my ascension and spiritual journey. Some gifts became activated naturally. Some modalities I was guided to learn and train in to be of service to offer to others.  My healing and communication gifts expanded and heightened after my trainings.

I would never offer a service I have not used for myself and believed in. I am an example of the healing these services provide and can attest to the amazing results.

Energy healing has no religious affiliation. I myself am a very religious and spiritual healer. Being open to receive the healing is very important. A client’s intentions and focus for the session are very powerful as well for the client to receive what they need at the time. Activations may also take place for a client during a session.

As a lightworker, activator, wayshower, and torchbearer for society, part of my soul mission and life purpose is to help others awaken spiritually, and aid in their spiritual journey, empowerment, transformation, and path to enlightenment to be their highest and truest self. It is my intention to help individuals, lightworkers, empaths, twin flames, starseeds, awakened and newly awakened souls gain healing, insight, guidance, and answers. I have a deep passion for making a difference in this world and impacting humanity for the greatest and highest good of all under the Law of Grace. It is important to spread the light so others can step into their power and shine.

Any life on this planet can rise from the ashes like a phoenix. Often in a lifetime we can face adversity and challenges. We might often feel that we can be stuck with no moving forward. Many times, this comes from having a limited belief passed on by ancestral lineage. We have to believe in ourselves to take that leap of faith, break that cycle, and take that one step towards progression and healing. It is at that stage where we can die and be reborn again. Exactly like a phoenix. Be reborn, rise and obtain new life.