About Akashic Records Readings


The Akashic Records is an energetic library that holds all the information pertaining to every soul that has ever existed in all directions of time. The Akashic Records can help illuminate each person’s path from the perspective of their soul. Readings can be particularly helpful when going through major life transitions, challenging times, relationship issues (not just romantical), complex challenges, working through stubborn patterns, feeling stuck, and needing guidance and clarity in any area of one’s life.

Additionally, Akashic Records Readings are beneficial by revealing the underlying causes and conditions to seemingly unsolvable challenges and provide the healing, insight, and information necessary to bring deep healing and peace to any situation. These readings deeply assist with one’s soul healing.

As a trained and certified Practitioner with Dr. Linda Howe’s Center for Akashic Studies, I access the records using the Pathway Prayer Process by Dr. Linda Howe. With this sacred prayer, I am able to stay fully conscious during the reading as a reading can be intense. During a reading, I channel, and with my clair gifts I will often hear, feel sensations, see images, that will be relevant to the reading, from current lifetime or a past life. The messages that are passed on, is what the client needs to hear at the time from the client’s Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones.

Akashic Records Readings can help a client understand who they are at the Soul level and help to show someone their current challenges from their Soul’s perceptive. When appropriate, a reading may reveal underlying causes and conditions originating outside the current lifetime but will only provide details pertaining to the issues at hand. This can be incredibly beneficial to gaining guidance or healing an issue or relationship playing out in this lifetime, that stems from past lives or ancestral. Sometimes it can be both. The key is to get to the heart of the matter to promote growth and healing.

For a 30 minute reading prioritize 1-3 questions, and for a 60 minute reading prioritize 4-7 questions, as I cannot guarantee all questions will get answered within the time allocated for the session.

Questions must be in a What, Why or How format. The answers given to me are only related to the questions you ask.

Readings will be recorded and held over Zoom.

Please Keep in Mind: You must be comfortable giving me your full legal name. Readings are for you only. These are non-predictive and non-timing readings, and yes/no questions cannot be answered. Akashic Records Readings are not psychic or mediumship readings. Psychic, Oracle Card, and Tarot Card Readings can provide insight to guide toward a specific outcome. An Akashic Record Reading is non-predictive, as the goal is not to create a specific outcome. Its value is in helping you to see and know yourself from your Soul’s perspective. A reading can illuminate your understanding of the growth opportunities presented to you, expressed through your relationships, work, and life circumstances. I am only allowed to access as far as I am able and to give what the receiver needs to hear at the time of the session. There is no talking to angels, ascended masters, spirit guides, or loved ones who have passed on in this reading. We will be looking at your soul’s journey throughout time on this planet therefore we will not have access to your starseed origins.