About Angel Card Readings


Angel Card Readings are a great way to communicate with God, Jesus Christ, Angels, Spirit, Ascended Masters, your Angelic Team, Spiritual Team, and Ascended Masters Team.

You can find answers to questions in your life. These readings can help you gain insight into your life, a situation, or current challenges you might be facing. They can also help you make better decisions or choices about a specific issue.

Angel Card Readings have the incredible ability to reveal the truth behind any situation. These powerful tools can help you get answers to questions you wouldn’t otherwise find, and they can help you understand yourself and the situation and question you’re asking about better. They also help you understand what the next steps to obtaining a goal are, which life direction to take, and what your higher purpose is.

Angel Readings light you up with the qualities you need for peace, happiness, balance, and soul satisfaction. They all work to accelerate your spiritual journey and help you on your ascension path.

I use specific Angel Card Decks for this Reading.

Some of the benefits of an Oracle Card and Tarot Card Reading:

  • Discover which Archangels are surrounding you and their messages
  • Receiving Angelic Messages of Wisdom and Guidance
  • Learning what Angels, Ascended Masters, Gods and Goddesses are surrounding you and the powerful messages they offer you to help you improve specific situations in your life
  • Direction and guidance
  • Support and encouragement
  • Personal empowerment


Some preferred Angel Spreads:

  • A Two-Card Spread is excellent for quick insight on a particular question or to gain a bit of insight into your current matters.
  • A Life-Path Spread can offer deep wisdom to increase your spiritual connection and guide you on your path. With this spread, look not only at the card messages but also at the archetypal characters involved. They may have traits that you can develop or share to support your journey.
  • A One-Card Question Reading is great for uncovering which Keeper of the Light you can work with to improve your intuition and soul connection at this time, or which Keeper of the Light best represents a strength or gift you hold at this time.
  • A Three-Card Question Spread is wonderful for questions such as what you need to know or do in order to have a balanced romantic relationship, what you need to know or do in order to grow in your career, how you can be a greater focus of support to the world, is there anything you need to know in order to create healing in your life.
  • Strength, Heart, and Challenge Spread (Three-Card Spread) is fantastic for effective insight. It will tell you your strengths you have at this time, the blessings you carry in your heart, the challenge, the part of your life or guidance you must focus on in order to achieve your goal or the peace you are asking for. Another way is asking a question about any area of your life or situation you’re experiencing, and asking and thanking the Angels for giving you guidance and insight to your question. The strength card should show you what’s in your favor in the current situation, the heart card will tell you how it’s aligned with your soul, and the challenge will represent something you need to work on in order for it to be resolved.
  • The Nine-Card Spread gives clear insight into key aspects of your life. It can be read in two different ways: your past, present, future, or home and family, relationships and romance, career and purpose.
  • Future Guidance Spread can be really enlightening for the months ahead. Six months is recommended because its within reach and you can always check back in when those six months are completed.