About Annie

About Annie:

Child Soul, Pure Heart, Warrior Spirit, Bold Faith

Life Path Master Number 11 “The Intuitive, Psychic, Medium, Channeler”

Destiny Number 4 “The Teacher”

Born on the Leo-Virgo Cusp

Virgo Sun, Scorpio Rising, Taurus Moon

Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Healer, Energy Healer, Multidimensional Quantum Energy Healer, Angel Intuitive, Angel Channeler, DNA and Ascension Activator, Wayshower, Lightworker, Divine Feminine Twin Flame, Sisterhood of the Rose Lineage, Womb Rose Initiator, Earth Angel, High Priestess, Mystic, Oracle, Dream Oracle, New Earth Leader, Numerologist, Akashic Records Reader, Psychic Medium, Spiritual Coach, Crystal Healer, Angel Card Reader, Oracle Card and Tarot Card Reader, Sound Healer, Intuitive and Empathic Healer.

When I was younger, I knew I was a bit different from others. I was always quirky, friendly and kind to all, loved animals, had a connection and bond with animals, spoke my mind, stood up for what was right, believed in fairness, justice and equality, marched to the beat of my own drum, and did my own thing not caring what others thought. I am an old soul, very empathic and aware of things that others may not notice. I have always been a very spiritual, religious, and faith-based person. I was even one of the first altar girls of my church. 

As a child of God with beautiful gifts from God, I choose to honor what I have been blessed to receive and honor God. I have faith, hope and believe in all that is good. I have a deep intuitive understanding and connection to God, Jesus, Angels, Spirit, Spirit Guides, The Divine, The Universe, and Higher Realms. I use this knowledge to empower and teach others. This is part of my Life Purpose, Soul Mission, and Destiny.

Before I was a teenager I strongly resonated with Angels, Archangels, Saints, and humanitarian leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. I always thought for myself and listened to my heart. As I grew older, I understood my connection with Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Saint Anne, Joan of Arc, Gaia, Jesus, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Azrael, and Archangel Raphael.

As I was growing up, I would encounter spiritual experiences. Often experiences would either occur with just myself, or sometimes with others that had their own spiritual experiences and were spiritually gifted. I would hear and see things I could not explain.

When my maternal grandma transitioned in early 2008, she would visit me in my dreams. I started receiving messages from her and the Higher Realms in my dreams. So many things would happen in my life that felt like déjà vu.

I have learned since my spiritual awakening that I am an Oracle and a Dream Oracle. Receiving messages, particularly in my dreams are part of my gifts.

Before my transition to alternative healthcare, I was in traditional healthcare for over ten years, with five years in mental health, and three degrees in health and wellness and administration.  As someone who has a big heart and cares so much for others I was inspired to be of service and become part of the medical field and healthcare industry and felt I could make great change as an administrator. It makes sense as a Virgo Sun why my career has always been in being of service and healing.

I believe healing with both traditional and alternative healthcare, and being both religious and spiritual, plays a vital role in one’s healing and growth.  One of the last papers I did for my master’s degree was titled The Use of Alternative Therapies in Healthcare. I spoke of the benefits of energy healing, and how many hospitals, organizations, and practices are now incorporating Reiki and other energy healing modalities into patient care as the benefits have been profound.

I have since learned from my awakening that I am not meant to sit at a desk of a healthcare organization. I am meant to be front and center sharing my gifts, wisdom, and light with others, as it is my Divine Blueprint.

As a Scorpio Rising with Pluto in my 1st house, I have realized on my journey I am a literal Phoenix. The regenerating and transforming process occurs many times in my lifetime, only for me to come back stronger than ever. I know more than anyone that just because something bad happens to you, you do not have to let it change you or destroy you. You can heal, transform, and evolve without destroying your heart, your soul, your morals, your integrity, and your light. You can overcome any darkness, and you will rise again. 


As a regular listener of Coast to Coast AM, in the early 2000s a numerologist, Glynis McCants appeared on the show. I was immediately drawn to this modality. I was never a mathematician but somehow the numbers and calculating came natural to me, and I found the results and meanings fascinating. I started calculating and computing charts and conducting readings in my teenage years. I then began learning more about Numerology and all Life Path numbers including Master Numbers, and how much Numerology plays a part in our everyday life, compatibility with others, our Divine Blueprint, and what we are supposed to do in this lifetime.

A couple years later I was introduced to Tarot Card Readings. It was remarkable how my readings were accurate as a sitter. It wasn’t until my spiritual awakening did I take the lead at conducting readings for myself and others that it increased my communication with the Higher Realms and providing me answers and guidance. I have been amazed with the exact accuracy of what the cards tell me directly.

Eventually I was introduced and drawn to Angel Card Readings. I again was fascinated with the accuracy and how much was revealed. Regardless of the guidance and answers given to me have been positive or unfavorable, the Higher Realms have always been honest. Tarot Card Readings and Angel Card Readings have been extremely helpful to me on this journey.

After my spiritual awakening, I started receiving more information from the Higher Realms and being guided. I was led to Kasey Goldstraw Gorgenyi founder of Golden Light Ascension Energy. After being led to Kasey’s Twin Flame Yoga Restore with Angel Healing for my spiritual and ascension journey where activations took place, I began working with her privately for my healing, growth, and to really expand in my Life Purpose and Soul Mission. I began studying with her and training in Golden Light Ascension Energy where I became a certified practitioner. During this training more gifts became activated.

I also studied and trained in additional modalities I was being guided to. I trained and became a certified Akashic Records Practitioner with Dr. Linda Howe’s Center for Akashic Studies in Level 1 and 2. After receiving messages from Archangel Azrael and passed loved ones of those I knew, I was guided to Rev. Angie Abt, a Registered Lily Dale Medium to expand my mediumship and psychic abilities in her year long course where I became a certified Psychic Medium. I trained with Jerry Sargeant founder of Star Magic Healing and became a certified and accredited facilitator.

My communication with Angels, Spirit, and the Higher Realms increased and expanded, as well as other gifts.

I found myself learning more about Astrology and all the benefits it provides. I believe that both Numerology and Astrology play an important and intricate role in our journey, healing, and growth by providing answers and pieces to our individual puzzle. 

My favorite quotes have always been “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr., “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot, “As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” – Audrey Hepburn, and “The most important thing is to enjoy your life, to be happy, it’s all that matters.” – Audrey Hepburn.

I have always tried to live my life as such, to be a good person, always be kind, help others, make a difference, and remember to live.


Accreditations, Certifications:

Golden Light Ascension Energy Level 1

Star Magic Healing Accredited Facilitator Level 1

Certified Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki 1 Practitioner

Akashic Records Practitioner Certification
Akashic Records Advanced Practitioner Certification

Certificate of Recognition
Santosha Professional Mediumship, Psychic, and Intuitive Development Program
Certificate of Completion
Santosha Professional Mediumship, Psychic, and Intuitive Development Program

Certified and Accredited Sound Healer Level 1: Fundamentals
Certified and Accredited Sound Healer Level 2: Crystal Singing Bowls
Certified and Accredited Sound Healer Level 2: Tuning Forks
Certified Sound Healer: Singing Pyramids

Certified and Accredited Crystal and Chakra Healer


Master of Science in Health Services Administration
D’Youville University

Bachelor of Science in Health & Wellness
State University of New York (SUNY) Buffalo State

Associate of Applied Science in Business – Office Management & Administration
State University of New York (SUNY) Erie