About Golden Light Ascension Energy (GLAE)


Golden Light Ascension Energy (GLAE) is a very powerful energy healing modality founded by Kasey Goldstraw Gorgenyi and is associated with the Divine, Jesus, Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters and Higher Realms. Clients will experience grounding, clearing of energy and releasing of lower vibrational energy that no longer serves them, and being filled with Golden Light, and feeling lighter and at a peaceful, calmer, higher vibration.

During a session, often Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Unicorns, Dragons, and other spiritual animals, images, visuals, and colors appear. This varies from client to client at the time of the healing. An energy healing session can focus on three themes: health, divine life purpose, and relationship.

My GLAE healing specialties include: Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, and Fertility and Womb Healing.