About Numerology


Numerology means the study of numbers and has been around for at least 2,500 years. That’s when Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician born in the sixth century B.C.E., created the Pythagorean Number System. Pythagoras believed that the vibration or “tone” of the universe at the exact moment of birth has an influence over both one’s character and destiny in life. This is called the Numerology Blueprint.

In Numerology, there are three interchangeable words. They are number, vibration, and energy. They describe the various traits of oneself. Numerology can help free you from the bonds of your past, and help to take an active role in determining your future. It answers questions: What am I here to achieve? What will make me happy? What are my natural gifts?

As a Numerologist for over twenty years, I know one can do emotional, mental, and physical healing in his or her life by the numbers. Each time I break down the numbers a story unfolds. I can see strengths and weaknesses and show a client how these characteristics interact to produce joy and pain, and what the client can do to improve their own experiences. Numerology is so healing, and it can help you recognize what you really want, can help you find your way to success, and can help you find and know yourself.

A Numerology Reading can help you on this journey to fulfill your life purpose and soul mission. By discovering the elements of your Numerology Blueprint, you can connect the dots and create a plan that will help lead you down the right path on your journey.

When conducting readings, the eight-part chart is crucial as that includes the Destiny and Maturity number, which helps a person on this journey to reveal their destiny and brings them to their true authentic self. By including the Maturity number, this also helps the individual as well as a couple become aware of any potential “mid-life crisis” issues and challenges they could face.

The Soul Number: Describes what you feel inside. People may not see this part of your character, but you feel it. This shows what is vibrating in your soul, what your soul needs in order to feel fulfilled and lead you to inner peace.

The Personality Number: Describes how people will perceive you. It is what you show the world.

The Power Name Number: Describes the strength of your name.

The Birth Day Number: Describes the way others see you.

The Life Path Number: Describes the path your life must take in order for you to be happy. This is the most important number in your chart.

The Attitude Number: Describes your general attitude toward life.

The Destiny Number: It is foreshadowing as to what direction you are headed in your lifetime. This number will reveal your destiny; your soul mission; what you were placed on this earth to do in this lifetime.

The Maturity Number: This vibration will reveal itself in midlife, and this information gives you an idea of what you can expect at that time. This number is very information particularly when being used in a compatibility reading with another.

Reasons for a Numerology Reading or Service:

  • Numerology Blueprint
  • Soul Mission
  • Life Purpose
  • Knowing more about who you are
  • Compatibility between others such as with significant others, parents, siblings, children, paw-babies, friends, business partners
  • Finding out if your relationship with another is toxic and/or Karmic
  • Learning your Personal Year
  • Learning your Personal Months
  • Learning your Personal Pinnacles
  • Learning your Personal Cycles
  • Learning about Personal Challenges
  • Repeating Numbers
  • Intensity Numbers
  • Karmic Debt
  • Karmic Lessons
  • Moving Energy and Vibrational Match
  • Home Energy
  • Naming Your Business or Creative Project
  • Planning Your Event
  • Should you take your partners last name when getting married
  • Choosing the Best Wedding Date
  • Naming Your Newborn
  • Naming Your Paw-Baby
  • Where to Live
  • Where to Travel
  • Picking numbers such as phone numbers and hotel rooms
  • And so much more

Please Note:

There are some factors that are key for accuracy. For readings, clients should be comfortable providing the full name on one’s birth certificate, first and last name (if a person uses their nickname to identify themselves or if someone uses their middle name to identify themselves instead of their formal first name, and for compatibility readings it’s the name their partner calls them – this is vital to know) and full date of birth.


It is important to recognize that due to freewill, soul lessons, personal choices, and which vibration of a number a life is living out, that while in a compatibility chart or reading there may be a soul connection found, there are several factors involved that determine the compatibility and longevity. Each number has a positive and negative energy associated with it. When you understand the positive and negative side of the numbers, relationships that were a mystery before start making sense. Numerology readings are not psychic readings and will not state that relationships will last. While a Numerology Compatibility Blueprint Reading will give indication if a couple will sizzle or fizzle as time goes on, the information provided in a reading is intended to help understand the other life and the relationship better.