Pinnacles and Cycles


There are 4 Pinnacles in one’s life. Pinnacles predict major changes you will encounter within your life and major events that will happen for you. The Pinnacles are like the seasons of our life and there are four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. As the four seasons, there are four Pinnacles that we each will go through throughout our lifetime. Whatever number is represented by the Pinnacle, Numerology can predict all kinds of things that are going to be happening for you within this time period based on the attributes of that number.

There are 3 Cycles in one’s life. Cycles predict the major themes that you will encounter and go through throughout your life.

Think of it as chapters of a book. There’s the beginning, then there’s the middle, and then there’s the ending. These are long-term themes. Cycles can also predict major events and long-term energies, and a lot of things that might happen to you within a given long-term period of time.

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