Pluto in Aquarius


Pluto in Aquarius 2023 – 2044 is the time most incarnated souls have been waiting for and came to witness.

It is a pivotal period during which the future evolution of humanity and society will be determined since Aquarius is the sign of humans and consciousness levels.

This is the first time in 24,000 years when Pluto will be in Aquarius, during the Astrological age of Aquarius.  The New Earth is coming in full speed!

When Pluto touches an area of your life, it will never be the same after. That planet or house which represents a whole area of experience, will be totally changed on a profound cellular level! Pluto is the planet of Death and Rebirth. Everything in your external life and internal world, which is outdated will be swept away, the plate will be cleaned so you create a new reality in that area, symbolized by the house and the planet.

This service will focus on how this 21-year transit of Pluto in Aquarius will manifest in your personal life and how this will impact your own soul evolution.

All information will be provided in a PDF format and will contain very generous, detailed descriptions.

When ordering please include your first and last name, your full date of birth, time of your birth, location of your birth (city, state, country), and your preferred email.
