Solar Return Chart (Birthday Astrology Reading)


A Solar return chart is a chart that is drawn up starting on your current birthday. It will forecast the coming year and certain events that will take place, as well as the type of energies you will be experiencing. You can get a solar return chart at any time of the year, however it’s best to get it around your birthday so you know in advance everything that’s going to transpire.

A solar return chart is basically a natal chart for the coming year. It shows us where your consciousness is focused and what “themes” will take up the majority of the year.  This is the perfect gift to give yourself for your birthday. It’s also the perfect gift to give someone else. It’s important to be prepared for what’s to come. Astrology helps you to plan ahead.

From one birthday to the next, Solar Return offers a magnificent promise of the experiences, opportunities, and challenges that lie ahead. Use your Solar Return chart to its full potential.

With my in-depth knowledge of Solar Return charting, I can lead you through a journey of new opportunities, challenges, and experiences that your upcoming Solar Return year will bring. Armed with my analysis, you can easily plan for the future and take advantage of the positive potentials that await.

Find out what life lessons the coming Solar Return year has in store for you and approaches that will make it easiest to master those lessons. What about your emotional health? It is something that will be explored as well.

I will provide a detailed analysis of your upcoming year, delving deep into all aspects of your life, including your love life, finances, health, and profession.

All information will be provided in a PDF format and will contain very generous, detailed descriptions.

When ordering please include your first and last name, your full date of birth, time of your birth, location of your birth (city, state, country), and your preferred email.
