Sun Moon Rising 2024


2024 is a very powerful year.

Knowing your Sun, Moon, and Rising (Ascendent) sign is extremely important, as they color the core aspects of who you are and how you interact with life on a daily basis.

With so much to come this year it is extremely helpful to one personally with what to expect in the year ahead.

Your Sun sign is tied to your core personality and identity. That comes from which zodiac sign the Sun was in at the time you were born. The Sun represents your drive, ego, and pride. Sun signs describes your overall attitude and spirit — your cores. Essentially, the Sun sign is the key factor in assessing your overall and generalized personality, and how you see the world.

Your Moon sign is connected to your inner emotional life and soul. That appears dependent on which zodiac sign the Moon was in at the time you were born.  Moon signs represent your true self, emotions, intuitions, and how you feel on a deep and soulful level. The Moon speaks to your idea of comfort and emotional needs.

Your Rising (Ascendent) sign gets its name from the zodiac sign that is “rising” on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth. Your Rising sign (Ascendant) is the energy that you put out into the world, or the vibe that people pick up and notice about you right off the bat. Rising signs also represent the way you carry yourself, process information, how you appear to others, your appearance, your style, and how you connect with others.

In Astrology it’s recommended to read your Rising sign first, followed by your Sun sign, and then your Moon sign.  This is the order I use.

This service includes:

  • Information regarding your Sun, Moon and Rising sign for 2024
  • Your Venus Return for 2024

All information will be provided in a PDF format and will contain very generous, detailed descriptions.

When ordering please include your first and last name, your full date of birth, time of your birth, location of your birth (city, state, country), and your preferred email.
