About Psychic Mediumship Spiritual Readings


Psychic Mediumship Spiritual Readings provide intuitive guidance and clarity to assist you in your personal growth and empowerment.

Mediumship –

A medium communicates with the spirit world and connects with a clients loved ones, providing enough evidence to demonstrate that they are really linking to the specific individual. Loved ones in spirit may offer messages of love, support, and healing, or specific messages understood only by the client.

Psychic –

A psychic uses intuition to receive information about someone’s past, present, future or all three to give guidance. A psychic connects energetically with a client in order to provide insight about their life path and more.

Reasons for a Spiritual Reading:

  • A Death/Connect to loved ones on the other side
  • Finances
  • Health
  • Family
  • Love Life
  • Life Purpose
  • House
  • Job
  • Making a connection to a client’s life and to a past life that will empower a client for their present life
  • Seeking healing, guidance, and answers to specific questions

I am a healer. I set intentions every time with the most purest, loving intentions to be a clear channel to receive messages from Spirit and who I may need to through Spirit, to give healing messages for my clients highest and best. I ask what a client most needs to hear is what I am able to give.

As a trained and certified Psychic Medium with Rev. Angie Abt, a Registered Lily Dale Medium, I have been able to strengthen and expand my abilities and gifts from God to be of service. During a Spiritual Reading my clair gifts are highly activated with my clairvoyance and clairsentience gifts being the strongest. My clair gifts allow me to connect to my client and who I am allowed to on the spiritual plane.

Spiritual Readings are recorded on Zoom.


It is important to show up open hearted, open minded, holding no expectations, and be open to receive for your highest and best. The messages that come through are for a clients highest and best. Spirit sees and knows more that what we can see on this limited plane here in the physical.