
I’m truly blessed to have met Annie! She is very gifted, takes the time to explain everything, a good listener, warm, caring and always creates a safe environment to settle in. I’ve had the opportunity to receive a distant Star Magic Healing, Golden Light Ascension Energy Healing, and Spiritual Reading and there are no words that can express the gratefulness I feel. She facilitated a deeply moving and nurturing healing experience for me and I felt so much benefits since the sessions (much lighter, calmer, relaxed,…) During the Spiritual Reading she really blew me away with accurate insights and spot-on messages which gave me a lot of strength. Thank you soooo much for the Numerology session, it is way beyond what I expected and I’m soooo grateful for your time/energy, creating a safe and trusting space and trying to give so much tools, messages (your experience on your own path), information during this session, I recognized so much things and amazed to hear this via Numerology <3 Everything is linked (also the Angel Card messages) and just what I need to hear at that time, it’s magic.  I’m looking forward to working with her in the future and would highly recommend anyone who is interested in her services. Annie – thank you for being you, sharing your gifts and helping me on my spiritual journey.  So blessed how you make me feel so comfortable and making sure that I understand everything, ending with the main personal messages before closing the session. In only a couple of months all your sessions contributed to a visible growth on my side, even the people around me noticed a positive change and thanks to the healing and life purpose themes I’m sooo much closer to my mission as a lightworker so working with you has been a big gift for me on my journey. So grateful to have met you in 2022 and looking forward to reconnect in Divine Timing <3 Thank you so much for all the modalities, each one was different and so unique. Even though we live far from each other, energetically it doesn’t feels like that, I just feel soooo good/calm when connecting with you and can listen for hours to your wisdom and knowledge, energy doesn’t lie. Glad that the Universe sent me to an amazing woman (and high priestess) like you <3 Lots of love from my heart to yours <3

Dimitra, Belgium
Thank You, Annie, for the wonderful Akashic Records Session. I found out somethings that explain a lot about the why’s. I can now move forward to heal these traumas. “Stay at Peace, Be at Peace!” I needed to hear that. “Love within, Love without!” Just what I needed to hear! You are a beautiful soul! Thank You for sharing your light with me! I am shining much brighter after our session and moving forward on my spiritual path! Annie being in your presence is incredible. The way you make me feel. Your soul energy. All so very beautiful. I feel great now after the Star Magic session. Very light and finally out of pain. You, my friend, are such a bright light, good listener, and fabulous healer. I am so glad we met. Thank you for the Spiritual Reading. What came through was so helpful and insightful. I did not back down. I fought back and everything was resolved. Justice was served as you said it would be. I also now have more answers regarding fulfilling my life purpose and soul mission. I always knew it involved animals. Thank You, Annie, for your kind, compassionate Spiritual Coaching and Healing session a few weeks ago. It was incredible. I am so happy that I have you in my life to help guide me on my journey. You come from the purest most beautiful light. As you know how hard this has been for me, I have such clarity now as I move forward on my path of enlightenment. You, my friend, are beautiful. Thank You for being the conduit that I need. Thank You for showing me the light within. Let’s rise together. We are Sisters of the Light. I am looking forward to your other services you offer! All my Love!
Laurie, USA
I had a feeling my great grandmother was going to come through at some point in the Spiritual Reading and she did. Annie was able to describe the animal my great grandma often sends me (hummingbird) as well as what she looks like! Annie is a beautiful person and a beautiful soul. We ended up talking for a really long time about the questions I had, and she also talked about some of her personal stories that related to my questions. This was our first-time meeting and yet I feel as though we could have talked forever! She is very good at what she does and helped me so much!! She brought forth a lot of clarity as well as a lot of wisdom. I appreciate her so very much!!!
Madison, USA
During my Spiritual Reading Annie connected with my father and my grandfather. I was in tears. The explanations that were delivered from Spirit and how things were described in such immense detail was so accurate and significant. There is no way she would know any of this. I LOVED meeting Annie and getting an authentic reading. I truly felt connected and beyond comfortable with Annie. I hope to have the opportunity in the future to have a Spiritual Reading by her again. She’s truly touching people’s lives and hearts all around.
Shanena, USA
When discussing my health, Annie touched on several different issues that I am currently experiencing and described them with 100% accuracy. Annie also did the same when discussing the current status of my career. Annie went above and beyond to make sure that I was comfortable throughout the entire Spiritual Reading. I am beyond appreciative of the additional time she spent with me on Zoom to ensure that I received all of my messages. She took the time to describe what she was feeling and what it meant. She also described the many different ways that she receives messages from Spirit which I appreciated as I've never had someone go that far into detail before. No matter what the topic was, Annie was 100% accurate. I still can't believe she asked me if I have knee problems while I was experiencing pain at that moment. I can't thank her enough and I know that she will be a driving force in helping others on their healing journey.
Katie, USA
After my Star Magic Healing session with Annie, I am feeling really good. I felt tired after the session but was more present the next day. For two years I used to have random dreams where I was being chased on a planet. That has now stopped. I now have a higher elevation of energy, more awareness, and higher frequency. I am now interested in meditation and wearing crystals. I no longer have attachments to my past relationships, which is the biggest thing I noticed after the session with Annie. I used to think about my exes constantly and now I do not think of any of them. What I felt was the most powerful energy was the releasement. I feel more love within myself. The love I have for myself is back, the self- worth, and coming to terms with what I deserve and want. I feel this session has been a kickstart to a fresh start and clean slate.
Rachael, Canada
Annie was calm, accurate, polite, and friendly during my Spiritual Reading. What Spirit brought through was accurate. She also connected with my maternal grandmother. What was most significant to me was that Annie saw an old black and white television set with President JFK speaking to the Nation. My maternal grandmother LOVED JFK!
Sharon, USA
Before the Star Magic Healing I was experiencing horrible pain in my left knee. Afterwards, whatever Annie did, my left knee has not hurt me. I have not been in pain, and I have been able to walk a mile a couple times at work for my breaks and I’m moving fast. Additionally, after the session, I started standing up for myself. I feel my confidence is rising, and I am advocating for myself at work, with no help from others. I shocked my coworkers when I told them I do not need anyone to advocate for me. I am standing up for myself and speaking up for myself, which I never did before. I am putting myself first and making myself a priority at work. My energy level has been high. At first, I was so skeptical about remote healing. Not anymore! I do not feel tired. I’ve been able to end relationships that are not aligned to my higher self. I have received text messages from a former partner who wants to continue our prior arrangement, but I am not going back. After my session I was able to verbalize I am done with that. I know I deserve more and better. I feel less anxious, less over thinking, and less over analyzing everything. I no longer care about my coworkers’ opinions. I am so proud of myself for speaking up for myself especially at work. I would feel guilty after expressing myself, and now that is gone. I feel courageous and less fearful. I felt so much release and shift. I now truly having the feeling of “I got this.” The most significant part of my Spiritual Reading with Annie was to know that my brother is with our Dad and nothing but pure love between the two. No anger, violence or pain. My brother recently unexpectedly just died, and Annie was very compassionate and allowed my raw emotions to be expressed. No judgement, pure light and love experienced. Thank you very much. <3
Janilyn, USA
Annie was absolutely wonderful and spot on the entire Spiritual Reading. She is very pleasant, and I loved her energy.
Alexa, USA
I had a Spiritual Reading with Annie right before the holiday weekend in July. She told me Spirit was giving her messages through visuals for the weekend with my family and what the setting looked like. She was accurately describing where I was and what it looked like. She also told me about an incident that would happen during the weekend that she was seeing and describing it to me. After this weekend I was stunned. She literally described the incident that happened over that weekend. The other messages she provided were right on point too! Thank you, Annie!
Janet, USA
During my Spiritual Reading I asked about my fur baby that recently transitioned. Annie told me she was connecting with a darker dog, and then a white dog with brown spots/markings was becoming front and center. Annie was seeing my fur baby that recently transitioned (black dog) and my other fur baby (white dog with brown spots/markings) that transitioned some time back. While this reading covered a lot, the most significant part of this reading was knowing my fur babies are at peace. Annie was super helpful in explaining and making sure I understood everything. She is a gem!
Jane, USA
The Full Moon readings have been spot-on, accurate and resonating. With every Star Magic Healing session, it has allowed my healing, journey, and growth to go deeper and expand further. During my Spiritual Reading what was most significant was being seen, knowing I was in a safe space with a gifted individual who was invested in helping me and offering guidance. The images seen and sentiments expressed resonated. I felt grounded and reminded of where I am now and my path forward. I am grateful for the experience! Annie is generous with time, empathy, and insights. Annie, I am so grateful our paths crossed and for all the healing you helped facilitate. <3
Alexandra, USA
During the Spiritual Reading Annie connected with my Dad and brought up horse racing, which no one knew about. She is definitely gifted.
Dianne, USA
Great experience! Great Akashic Records Reading! Extremely on point. Annie is so sweet and helpful. If you are looking for some clarity you are in the right place!
Latreice, USA
I have had multiple sessions with Annie. They are all very different in the types of services that were provided. But, they were the same in the sense that Annie created a safe and loving space to offer her invaluable services. She is very gifted, wise, compassionate, and an old soul. I felt comfortable in her hands. And, although I knew she was gifted, I did not expect such a beautiful impact on me through this connection. The first service was Golden Light Ascension Energy (GLAE) with card reading. Annie very adeptly worked toward healing me. I could see in my mind and heart that she was removing blockages and entanglements that had been holding me back and sustaining trauma in me. I believe Annie was able to clear a lot, and I was left with beautiful imagery, feeling lighter, and more free. It was a very beneficial session, and I look forward to more. I also had an Akashic Reading session with Annie. Beforehand, I didn't completely understand what that would be like. It was so impressive to me that I could ask some very important questions related to career, things I'm passionate about, and healing that I still need to do, while Annie could read the records and give me the guidance I needed. It was so meaningful, and so helpful. I don't think I've had an experience like that before. I also had multiple Star Magic Healing sessions. After my first session I felt energetic shifts taking place, and trauma being released. I was having tingling sensations from head to toe. I felt a lot being released from the root and lots of lower vibrational energy being released. I feel more connected spiritually. Two weeks after this session I had a boundary setting moment and I stood up for myself and ending up surprising people. I feel more empowered and won’t let people walk all over me but also staying heart centered. I speak up for myself and let things go that don’t really matter. I have more trust in God, the Divine, and the Universe. It is easier to surrender. I am handling things better and no longer have obsessive thinking. I am representing more of my higher self and feel my faith level has been better. I sometimes get triggered when questioned about my relationship status, but I feel less attachment to my exes. I have more focus on myself, career, and self-care. I have more clarity and realizations regarding my relationships with people. I am making positive changes and putting myself first. I feel more worthy and stronger. I am setting and enforcing boundaries. I am letting go of rejection, abandonment, and guilty energy. I am realizing imbalances in relationships with others. I am respecting myself and not letting others dictate my availability. I am honoring myself and my time and realizing my time and energy is valuable. I am able to say no to others, I realize I matter, and that more things are coming to the surface, and I have more understanding. I am realizing now I am breaking ancestral patterns. I keep hearing the word “higher” in relation to my higher self. I feel my inner child healing and I feel I am rising above. I feel I am leveling up and no longer aligning with others. I realize there is corruption and imbalance in the 3D matrix, and that I can only control interpersonal relationships and set the tone and teach other people how to treat me. I had contracted the coronavirus and was dealing with the effects of that. After this first session I felt I got new lungs. My breathing was how it was pre-covid and my lungs feel way more open. I feel like Annie gave me my life back; the good parts, and a new life with more empowerment, self-love, and self-honoring. After my second session, I realized more relationships with others that are not in alignment and that I don’t feel safe with. I cried and felt a good release with releasing these relationships that don’t bring value to me and can be harmful and know the cord needs to be cut with them. I believe my session with Annie contributed to me being able to see that I am maintaining good boundaries, where there is a cord to be cut, and that I am doing better than I thought. My job worry has gone down, and I am having more moments of self-worth. I feel a lightbulb goes on and I see myself as capable, confident, competent, worthy, and fun. Any self-doubt that creeps in gets shut off when the light bulb goes on. I had an empowering dream after the session where I realized each person was a hero in their own story and I realized I was one in mine. I realized and knew I am a hero too, and I have an important role, contributions, and that my mission means something. I feel confident and very worthy of being here, and that my contribution matters. I have more faith, trust in the Universe, confidence, and more. I am in a better place but realize I have more work to do. The best way to describe these sessions is that Annie is a lawn mower and removes a lot each session and picks up the smaller particles of the remaining debris. So much progress had been made since my prior sessions but there was a hook like feeling in me as if someone attached themselves or something to me, and someone was responsible for that. It turns out there was. My third Star Magic Healing session was a shadow parasite/entity removal where there were contracts broken. This parasite/entity was placed upon me by my ex. After the session I no longer have thoughts about him at all and felt the cut off. I have no feelings of interest to engage with this person and feel I don’t owe him anything. I see clearly regarding him, and I know I won’t see him again and I’m fine with it. I have no feelings at all regarding him and feel in my heart knowing that I don’t feel like being friends. This session felt like a big sword came through me and struck me so deep and cut off what needed to be cut off. I tell friends adamantly when asked that I am not going to see him. I feel calm and feel I can laugh about this now. I recognize this person was bad and bad for me. I do not feel obligated to him and feel the noose is off my neck. I felt like he cast a spell on me that is no longer there and no entanglement because of this big sword. I feel no longer trapped and felt I had tentacles on me before. I feel so truly free and such a release. A couple days later at my graduation I saw two bald eagles and flying together. I felt that was a sign from the Universe and the Divine. It was so powerful, and I loved seeing the meaning and symbolism of the eagle. I feel good, aligned, more balanced, more connected, and strong. I am becoming more aware of things being equal and believe there should be an equal exchange between people strongly now. I no longer feel I want to people please. I feel more empowered and honoring myself. I am becoming more aware of the shifts taking place and how I respond to situations. I am becoming more aware of toxic friendships and friendships that no longer align. There was a situation with a friend, and I spoke calm and matter of fact, I stood in my power and said with love and kindness but was assertive and firm with this friend about the situation, and I realized this friend may not be aligned for my highest good. How I handled this friend was so much more and better than I ever did before. This friend was dumping on me then escaping so I stood up for myself and presented the opportunity to talk to her and made resolution with her. I also had a Spiritual Reading. My Spiritual Reading with Annie focused on a few themes; health, life purpose, mediumship, and finances. Everything Annie was receiving from Spirit resonated, especially the health portion of the reading. Things that I didn't share with Annie ended up coming up during this reading. As she was saying things my mouth gasped open a couple times and I confirmed what she was given from Spirit. When I asked if there was a loved one, she could connect with on the other side, she told me an older woman came through, and was coming through as my maternal grandma. Annie described what she looked like, how she dressed, and how her personality was. Annie told me she saw my grandmother praying over me for my health issues. Annie was also receiving she was very Christian and loved Jesus. I confirmed that indeed this was my mom's mom. At the end of the reading, she heard a Dave Matthews Band song come through. I laughed and told her Dave Matthews comes to where I live a lot and plays a ton of shows. Annie told me messages regarding for me to have some fun, go to a concert, as it's a calm during the storm. I resonated with this message too and I told her I was planning on attending a concert that week. I highly recommend Annie to provide these services, and others, for anybody who is interested in healing, understanding their life purpose, transcending to a higher level, and much more. To be able to do this with someone who is very caring, respectful, safe. and loving makes it an experience one should not miss.
Christina, USA
Incredible Akashic Records Reading! Very comfortable and informative. You can tell she feels what she’s saying. Honestly one of the best readings I’ve ever gotten.
Danielle, USA
Annie is amazing! Before the GLAE session, she took the time to educate me on that particular healing session. Her card reading was so precise and on point. After our session I felt so much lighter and focused. She’s truly gifted!
Hardeep, USA
Annie communicates to the heart. Her work brought integration to my spirit in a time when I was feeling separation. Annie’s compassion, love and intuition come from a universal source that resonates within me allowing real healing to take place.
Kevin, USA
There were so many little comments that were so very significant to me throughout my Spiritual Reading. I felt the connection and beautiful release of emotion that I needed. I felt very validated and heard. Annie, you have such a kind and genuine soul. I have so enjoyed getting to know you and truly have grown as a person with your insight. You are very spiritually gifted and have so much beautiful energy!
Tanya, USA
During my Spiritual Reading Annie was able to give me some amazing guidance on my personal friendships. I am so grateful! Annie is kind, welcoming, personable and calming. She is fantastic and I was able to create a bond with her immediately. I would go see her again!
Alex, USA
During my Spiritual Reading, Annie was able to empathically pick up on my energy and discuss my emotions regarding the health of my dog. She was also able to bring insight and reassurance to me that I am aligned in my path and that I hold the keys to my future. Annie is very talented and is able to deeply connect to her sitters in a very energetic and emotional way. I felt very calm and safe and guided in my experience with her. Thank you for your time and energy today, Annie!
Danielle, USA
Dimitra, Belgium
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I’m truly blessed to have met Annie! She is very gifted, takes the time to explain everything, a good listener, warm, caring and always creates a safe environment to settle in. I’ve had the opportunity to receive a distant Star Magic Healing, Golden Light Ascension Energy Healing, and Spiritual Reading and there are no words that can express the gratefulness I feel. She facilitated a deeply moving and nurturing healing experience for me and I felt so much benefits since the sessions (much lighter, calmer, relaxed,…) During the Spiritual Reading she really blew me away with accurate insights and spot-on messages which gave me a lot of strength. I’m looking forward to working with her in the future and would highly recommend anyone who is interested in her services. Annie - thank you for being you, sharing your gifts and helping me on my spiritual journey.  In only a couple of months all your sessions contributed to a visible growth on my side, even the people around me noticed a positive change and thanks to the healing and life purpose themes I'm sooo much closer to my mission as a lightworker so working with you has been a big gift for me on my journey. Lots of love from my heart to yours <3
Laurie, USA
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Thank You, Annie, for the wonderful Akashic Records Session. I found out somethings that explain a lot about the why’s. I can now move forward to heal these traumas. “Stay at Peace, Be at Peace!” I needed to hear that. “Love within, Love without!” Just what I needed to hear! You are a beautiful soul! Thank You for sharing your light with me! I am shining much brighter after our session and moving forward on my spiritual path! Annie being in your presence is incredible. The way you make me feel. Your soul energy. All so very beautiful. I feel great now after the Star Magic session. Very light and finally out of pain. You, my friend, are such a bright light, good listener, and fabulous healer. I am so glad we met. Thank you for the Spiritual Reading. What came through was so helpful and insightful. I did not back down. I fought back and everything was resolved. Justice was served as you said it would be. I also now have more answers regarding fulfilling my life purpose and soul mission. I always knew it involved animals. Thank You, Annie, for your kind, compassionate Spiritual Coaching and Healing session a few weeks ago. It was incredible. I am so happy that I have you in my life to help guide me on my journey. You come from the purest most beautiful light. As you know how hard this has been for me, I have such clarity now as I move forward on my path of enlightenment. You, my friend, are beautiful. Thank You for being the conduit that I need. Thank You for showing me the light within. Let’s rise together. We are Sisters of the Light. I am looking forward to your other services you offer! All my Love!
Madison, USA
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I had a feeling my great grandmother was going to come through at some point in the Spiritual Reading and she did. Annie was able to describe the animal my great grandma often sends me (hummingbird) as well as what she looks like! Annie is a beautiful person and a beautiful soul. We ended up talking for a really long time about the questions I had, and she also talked about some of her personal stories that related to my questions. This was our first-time meeting and yet I feel as though we could have talked forever! She is very good at what she does and helped me so much!! She brought forth a lot of clarity as well as a lot of wisdom. I appreciate her so very much!!!
Shanena, USA
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During my Spiritual Reading Annie connected with my father and my grandfather. I was in tears. The explanations that were delivered from Spirit and how things were described in such immense detail was so accurate and significant. There is no way she would know any of this. I LOVED meeting Annie and getting an authentic reading. I truly felt connected and beyond comfortable with Annie. I hope to have the opportunity in the future to have a Spiritual Reading by her again. She’s truly touching people’s lives and hearts all around.
Katie, USA
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When discussing my health, Annie touched on several different issues that I am currently experiencing and described them with 100% accuracy. Annie also did the same when discussing the current status of my career. Annie went above and beyond to make sure that I was comfortable throughout the entire Spiritual Reading. I am beyond appreciative of the additional time she spent with me on Zoom to ensure that I received all of my messages. She took the time to describe what she was feeling and what it meant. She also described the many different ways that she receives messages from Spirit which I appreciated as I've never had someone go that far into detail before. No matter what the topic was, Annie was 100% accurate. I still can't believe she asked me if I have knee problems while I was experiencing pain at that moment. I can't thank her enough and I know that she will be a driving force in helping others on their healing journey.
Rachael, Canada
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After my Star Magic Healing session with Annie, I am feeling really good. I felt tired after the session but was more present the next day. For two years I used to have random dreams where I was being chased on a planet. That has now stopped. I now have a higher elevation of energy, more awareness, and higher frequency. I am now interested in meditation and wearing crystals. I no longer have attachments to my past relationships, which is the biggest thing I noticed after the session with Annie. I used to think about my exes constantly and now I do not think of any of them. What I felt was the most powerful energy was the releasement. I feel more love within myself. The love I have for myself is back, the self- worth, and coming to terms with what I deserve and want. I feel this session has been a kickstart to a fresh start and clean slate.
Sharon, USA
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Annie was calm, accurate, polite, and friendly during my Spiritual Reading. What Spirit brought through was accurate. She also connected with my maternal grandmother. What was most significant to me was that Annie saw an old black and white television set with President JFK speaking to the Nation. My maternal grandmother LOVED JFK!
Janilyn, USA
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Before the Star Magic Healing I was experiencing horrible pain in my left knee. Afterwards, whatever Annie did, my left knee has not hurt me. I have not been in pain, and I have been able to walk a mile a couple times at work for my breaks and I’m moving fast. Additionally, after the session, I started standing up for myself. I feel my confidence is rising, and I am advocating for myself at work, with no help from others. I shocked my coworkers when I told them I do not need anyone to advocate for me. I am standing up for myself and speaking up for myself, which I never did before. I am putting myself first and making myself a priority at work. My energy level has been high. At first, I was so skeptical about remote healing. Not anymore! I do not feel tired. I’ve been able to end relationships that are not aligned to my higher self. I have received text messages from a former partner who wants to continue our prior arrangement, but I am not going back. After my session I was able to verbalize I am done with that. I know I deserve more and better. I feel less anxious, less over thinking, and less over analyzing everything. I no longer care about my coworkers’ opinions. I am so proud of myself for speaking up for myself especially at work. I would feel guilty after expressing myself, and now that is gone. I feel courageous and less fearful. I felt so much release and shift. I now truly having the feeling of “I got this.” The most significant part of my Spiritual Reading with Annie was to know that my brother is with our Dad and nothing but pure love between the two. No anger, violence or pain. My brother recently unexpectedly just died, and Annie was very compassionate and allowed my raw emotions to be expressed. No judgement, pure light and love experienced. Thank you very much. <3
Alexa, USA
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Annie was absolutely wonderful and spot on the entire Spiritual Reading. She is very pleasant, and I loved her energy.
Janet, USA
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I had a Spiritual Reading with Annie right before the holiday weekend in July. She told me Spirit was giving her messages through visuals for the weekend with my family and what the setting looked like. She was accurately describing where I was and what it looked like. She also told me about an incident that would happen during the weekend that she was seeing and describing it to me. After this weekend I was stunned. She literally described the incident that happened over that weekend. The other messages she provided were right on point too! Thank you, Annie!
Jane, USA
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During my Spiritual Reading I asked about my fur baby that recently transitioned. Annie told me she was connecting with a darker dog, and then a white dog with brown spots/markings was becoming front and center. Annie was seeing my fur baby that recently transitioned (black dog) and my other fur baby (white dog with brown spots/markings) that transitioned some time back. While this reading covered a lot, the most significant part of this reading was knowing my fur babies are at peace. Annie was super helpful in explaining and making sure I understood everything. She is a gem!
Alexandra, USA
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The Full Moon readings have been spot-on, accurate and resonating. With every Star Magic Healing session, it has allowed my healing, journey, and growth to go deeper and expand further. During my Spiritual Reading what was most significant was being seen, knowing I was in a safe space with a gifted individual who was invested in helping me and offering guidance. The images seen and sentiments expressed resonated. I felt grounded and reminded of where I am now and my path forward. I am grateful for the experience! Annie is generous with time, empathy, and insights. Annie, I am so grateful our paths crossed and for all the healing you helped facilitate. <3
Dianne, USA
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During the Spiritual Reading Annie connected with my Dad and brought up horse racing, which no one knew about. She is definitely gifted.
Latreice, USA
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Great experience! Great Akashic Records Reading! Extremely on point. Annie is so sweet and helpful. If you are looking for some clarity you are in the right place!
Christina, USA
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I have had multiple sessions with Annie. They are all very different in the types of services that were provided. But, they were the same in the sense that Annie created a safe and loving space to offer her invaluable services. She is very gifted, wise, compassionate, and an old soul. I felt comfortable in her hands. And, although I knew she was gifted, I did not expect such a beautiful impact on me through this connection. The first service was Golden Light Ascension Energy (GLAE) with card reading. Annie very adeptly worked toward healing me. I could see in my mind and heart that she was removing blockages and entanglements that had been holding me back and sustaining trauma in me. I believe Annie was able to clear a lot, and I was left with beautiful imagery, feeling lighter, and more free. It was a very beneficial session, and I look forward to more. I also had an Akashic Reading session with Annie. Beforehand, I didn't completely understand what that would be like. It was so impressive to me that I could ask some very important questions related to career, things I'm passionate about, and healing that I still need to do, while Annie could read the records and give me the guidance I needed. It was so meaningful, and so helpful. I don't think I've had an experience like that before. I also had multiple Star Magic Healing sessions. After my first session I felt energetic shifts taking place, and trauma being released. I was having tingling sensations from head to toe. I felt a lot being released from the root and lots of lower vibrational energy being released. I feel more connected spiritually. Two weeks after this session I had a boundary setting moment and I stood up for myself and ending up surprising people. I feel more empowered and won’t let people walk all over me but also staying heart centered. I speak up for myself and let things go that don’t really matter. I have more trust in God, the Divine, and the Universe. It is easier to surrender. I am handling things better and no longer have obsessive thinking. I am representing more of my higher self and feel my faith level has been better. I sometimes get triggered when questioned about my relationship status, but I feel less attachment to my exes. I have more focus on myself, career, and self-care. I have more clarity and realizations regarding my relationships with people. I am making positive changes and putting myself first. I feel more worthy and stronger. I am setting and enforcing boundaries. I am letting go of rejection, abandonment, and guilty energy. I am realizing imbalances in relationships with others. I am respecting myself and not letting others dictate my availability. I am honoring myself and my time and realizing my time and energy is valuable. I am able to say no to others, I realize I matter, and that more things are coming to the surface, and I have more understanding. I am realizing now I am breaking ancestral patterns. I keep hearing the word “higher” in relation to my higher self. I feel my inner child healing and I feel I am rising above. I feel I am leveling up and no longer aligning with others. I realize there is corruption and imbalance in the 3D matrix, and that I can only control interpersonal relationships and set the tone and teach other people how to treat me. I had contracted the coronavirus and was dealing with the effects of that. After this first session I felt I got new lungs. My breathing was how it was pre-covid and my lungs feel way more open. I feel like Annie gave me my life back; the good parts, and a new life with more empowerment, self-love, and self-honoring. After my second session, I realized more relationships with others that are not in alignment and that I don’t feel safe with. I cried and felt a good release with releasing these relationships that don’t bring value to me and can be harmful and know the cord needs to be cut with them. I believe my session with Annie contributed to me being able to see that I am maintaining good boundaries, where there is a cord to be cut, and that I am doing better than I thought. My job worry has gone down, and I am having more moments of self-worth. I feel a lightbulb goes on and I see myself as capable, confident, competent, worthy, and fun. Any self-doubt that creeps in gets shut off when the light bulb goes on. I had an empowering dream after the session where I realized each person was a hero in their own story and I realized I was one in mine. I realized and knew I am a hero too, and I have an important role, contributions, and that my mission means something. I feel confident and very worthy of being here, and that my contribution matters. I have more faith, trust in the Universe, confidence, and more. I am in a better place but realize I have more work to do. The best way to describe these sessions is that Annie is a lawn mower and removes a lot each session and picks up the smaller particles of the remaining debris. So much progress had been made since my prior sessions but there was a hook like feeling in me as if someone attached themselves or something to me, and someone was responsible for that. It turns out there was. My third Star Magic Healing session was a shadow parasite/entity removal where there were contracts broken. This parasite/entity was placed upon me by my ex. After the session I no longer have thoughts about him at all and felt the cut off. I have no feelings of interest to engage with this person and feel I don’t owe him anything. I see clearly regarding him, and I know I won’t see him again and I’m fine with it. I have no feelings at all regarding him and feel in my heart knowing that I don’t feel like being friends. This session felt like a big sword came through me and struck me so deep and cut off what needed to be cut off. I tell friends adamantly when asked that I am not going to see him. I feel calm and feel I can laugh about this now. I recognize this person was bad and bad for me. I do not feel obligated to him and feel the noose is off my neck. I felt like he cast a spell on me that is no longer there and no entanglement because of this big sword. I feel no longer trapped and felt I had tentacles on me before. I feel so truly free and such a release. A couple days later at my graduation I saw two bald eagles and flying together. I felt that was a sign from the Universe and the Divine. It was so powerful, and I loved seeing the meaning and symbolism of the eagle. I feel good, aligned, more balanced, more connected, and strong. I am becoming more aware of things being equal and believe there should be an equal exchange between people strongly now. I no longer feel I want to people please. I feel more empowered and honoring myself. I am becoming more aware of the shifts taking place and how I respond to situations. I am becoming more aware of toxic friendships and friendships that no longer align. There was a situation with a friend, and I spoke calm and matter of fact, I stood in my power and said with love and kindness but was assertive and firm with this friend about the situation, and I realized this friend may not be aligned for my highest good. How I handled this friend was so much more and better than I ever did before. This friend was dumping on me then escaping so I stood up for myself and presented the opportunity to talk to her and made resolution with her. I also had a Spiritual Reading. My Spiritual Reading with Annie focused on a few themes; health, life purpose, mediumship, and finances. Everything Annie was receiving from Spirit resonated, especially the health portion of the reading. Things that I didn't share with Annie ended up coming up during this reading. As she was saying things my mouth gasped open a couple times and I confirmed what she was given from Spirit. When I asked if there was a loved one, she could connect with on the other side, she told me an older woman came through, and was coming through as my maternal grandma. Annie described what she looked like, how she dressed, and how her personality was. Annie told me she saw my grandmother praying over me for my health issues. Annie was also receiving she was very Christian and loved Jesus. I confirmed that indeed this was my mom's mom. At the end of the reading, she heard a Dave Matthews Band song come through. I laughed and told her Dave Matthews comes to where I live a lot and plays a ton of shows. Annie told me messages regarding for me to have some fun, go to a concert, as it's a calm during the storm. I resonated with this message too and I told her I was planning on attending a concert that week. I highly recommend Annie to provide these services, and others, for anybody who is interested in healing, understanding their life purpose, transcending to a higher level, and much more. To be able to do this with someone who is very caring, respectful, safe. and loving makes it an experience one should not miss.
Danielle, USA
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Incredible Akashic Records Reading! Very comfortable and informative. You can tell she feels what she’s saying. Honestly one of the best readings I’ve ever gotten.
Hardeep, USA
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Annie is amazing! Before the GLAE session, she took the time to educate me on that particular healing session. Her card reading was so precise and on point. After our session I felt so much lighter and focused. She’s truly gifted!
Kevin, USA
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Annie communicates to the heart. Her work brought integration to my spirit in a time when I was feeling separation. Annie’s compassion, love and intuition come from a universal source that resonates within me allowing real healing to take place.
Tanya, USA
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There were so many little comments that were so very significant to me throughout my Spiritual Reading. I felt the connection and beautiful release of emotion that I needed. I felt very validated and heard. Annie, you have such a kind and genuine soul. I have so enjoyed getting to know you and truly have grown as a person with your insight. You are very spiritually gifted and have so much beautiful energy!
Alex, USA
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During my Spiritual Reading Annie was able to give me some amazing guidance on my personal friendships. I am so grateful! Annie is kind, welcoming, personable and calming. She is fantastic and I was able to create a bond with her immediately. I would go see her again!
Danielle, USA
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During my Spiritual Reading, Annie was able to empathically pick up on my energy and discuss my emotions regarding the health of my dog. She was also able to bring insight and reassurance to me that I am aligned in my path and that I hold the keys to my future. Annie is very talented and is able to deeply connect to her sitters in a very energetic and emotional way. I felt very calm and safe and guided in my experience with her. Thank you for your time and energy today, Annie!